import numpy as np
import random
[docs]def masking(tokens, p = 0.1, mask='[MASK]'):
Returns a new list by replacing elements in `tokens` by `mask` with probability `p`.
tokens (list): list of tokens or token ids.
p (float): probability to mask each element in `tokens`.
A new list by replacing elements in `tokens` by `mask` with probability `p`.
outputs = tokens[:]
for i in range(len(tokens)):
if np.random.rand() < p:
outputs[i] = mask
return outputs
[docs]def deleting(tokens, p = 0.1):
Returns a new list by deleting elements in `tokens` with probability `p`.
tokens (list): list of tokens or token ids.
p (float): probability to delete each element in `tokens`.
a new list by deleting elements in :`tokens` with probability `p`.
choice = np.random.binomial(1,1-p,len(tokens))
outputs = [tokens[i] for i in range(len(tokens)) if choice[i]==1]
return outputs
[docs]def n_gram_sampling(tokens,
p_ng = [0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2,0.2],
l_ng = [1,2,3,4,5]):
Samples a length `l` from `l_ng` with probability distribution `p_ng`, then returns a random span of length `l` from `tokens`.
tokens (list): list of tokens or token ids.
p_ng (list): probability distribution of the n-grams, should sum to 1.
l_ng (list): specify the n-grams.
a n-gram random span from `tokens`.
span_length = np.random.choice(l_ng,p= p_ng)
start_position = max(0,np.random.randint(0,len(tokens)-span_length+1))
n_gram_span = tokens[start_position:start_position+span_length]
return n_gram_span
[docs]def short_disorder(tokens, p = [0.9,0.1,0,0,0]): # untouched + four cases abc, bac, cba, cab, bca
Returns a new list by disordering `tokens` with probability distribution `p` at every possible position. Let `abc` be a 3-gram in `tokens`,
there are five ways to disorder, corresponding to five probability values:
| abc -> abc
| abc -> bac
| abc -> cba
| abc -> cab
| abc -> bca
tokens (list): list of tokens or token ids.
p (list): probability distribution of 5 disorder types, should sum to 1.
a new disordered list
i = 0
outputs = tokens[:]
l = len(tokens)
while i < l-1:
permutation = np.random.choice([0,1,2,3,4],p=p)
if permutation!=0 and i==l-2:
outputs[i], outputs[i+1] = outputs[i+1], outputs[i]
i += 2
elif permutation==1:
outputs[i], outputs[i+1] = outputs[i+1], outputs[i]
i += 2
elif permutation==2:
outputs[i], outputs[i+2] = outputs[i+2], outputs[i]
i +=3
elif permutation==3:
outputs[i],outputs[i+1],outputs[i+2] = outputs[i+2],outputs[i],outputs[i+1]
i += 3
elif permutation==4:
outputs[i],outputs[i+1],outputs[i+2] = outputs[i+1],outputs[i+2],outputs[i]
i += 3
i += 1
return outputs
[docs]def long_disorder(tokens,p = 0.1, length=20):
Performs a long-range disordering. If ``length>1``, then swaps the two halves of each span of length `length` in `tokens`;
if ``length<=1``, treats `length` as the relative length. For example::
>>>long_disorder([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], p=1, length=0.4)
[2, 3, 0, 1, 6, 7, 4, 5, 8, 9]
tokens (list): list of tokens or token ids.
p (list): probability to swaps the two halves of a spans at possible positions.
length (int or float): length of the disordered span.
a new disordered list
outputs = tokens[:]
if int(length) <= 1:
length = len(tokens)*length
length = (int(length)+1) //2 * 2
i = 0
while i<=len(outputs)-length:
if np.random.rand() < p:
outputs[i:i+length//2], outputs[i+length//2:i+length] = outputs[i+length//2:i+length], outputs[i:i+length//2]
i += length
i += 1
return outputs